Synopsis of Courses for Master of Corporate Communication UPM

Here are the synopsis of courses for Master of Corporate Communication, University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Most of it, I got from an ‘old’ micro blog which i think managed by person from Communication Department, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication UPM.


KOM5111 Communication Theory – 3 credits

Analysis of contemporary theories of human communication emphasizing the similarities and differences between the various communication process of interpersonal, organizational, mass communication and international communication; development of communication theory and current issues in communication theory.

KOM5113 Communication Research Methods – 3 credits

Development of research in communication; the role of theory in research; the research process: developing a research problem, defining concepts, formulating objectives, testing hypotheses; concepts of causality, logic of measurement; reliability and validity; survey research: sampling, questionnaire and interview; schedule construction of interviewing and fieldwork; internal and external validity; coding and content analysis; using archived data and statistical records; data reduction and statistical analysis; report writing.

KOM5115 Statistics for Communication Research – 3 credits

This course covers variety of statistical techniques used in descriptive and inferential analysis; exploratory data analysis, hypothesis testing; test of differences; test of association and test of relationships.

KOM5315 Organizational Communication – 3 credits

This course covers nature of organizational communication; group communication in organization; communication networks; leadership communication; organization culture and communication audit in organizations.

KOM5317 Theory and Practice of Corporate Communication – 3 credits

This course covers the theoretical and practical aspects of corporate communication; management of organizational image, identity and reputation; branding and corporate advertising; media relations and corporate writing; investor relations; employee communication; government affairs; corporate social responsibility; customer relations; corporate communication research.

KOM5321 Advanced Public Relations – 3 credits

The course covers fundamental concepts, theories, elements and principles of public relations; survey of current practices and problems in the field of public relations; functions of public relations; application of ethics and professionalism of public relations; management of public relations activities and campaigns; practices of public relations in government, not-for-profit organizations, business organizations and multicultural settings.

KOM5325 Integrated Marketing Communication – 3 credits

This course focuses on the theory and practice of integrated marketing communications (IMC) and offers an overview of the developments of the field. This course provide insights into the profession in corporate communication and its interface with society.


KOM5117 Data Analysis and Interpretation – 3 credits

This Course Covers The Basics Of Statistics, An Introduction To Spss, Data Entry, Exploratory Data Analysis, Analysis Of Differences, Analysis Of Association, Analysis Of Relationship, Data Presentation And Report Writing

KOM5210 Public Speaking for Professionals – 3 credits

This course covers concept of speech communication; verbal and non-verbal communication; manifestation of nervousness and communication apprehension; audience analysis; informative format, persuasive format and three types of appeal in speech.

KOM5211 Interpersonal Communication – 3 credits

This course covers the definition and process of interpersonal communication; characteristics of the communicator and situations that influence interpersonal relations and communication in organizations; communication strategies and communication effectiveness; conceptual, practical and research issues.

KOM5213 Psychology of Communication – 3 credits

This course covers the domain of psychology of communication as a field of inquiry; the concept of self and others; attribution and defense mechanisms in communication; stereotype and prejudice; interpersonal attraction and relationship; social and group influence; message structure and appeal; psychology of media; research themes and issues in communication psychology.

KOM5215 Intercultural Communication – 3 credits

This course covers the history of intercultural communication as a field of practice and inquiry; domain of intercultural communication; perspectives of intercultural communication inquiry; conceptual foundation; role of identity in intercultural communication; theories of cultural variability; cultural influences on communication in various contexts; theories of intercultural communication; ethics and intercultural communication; issues and agendas of intercultural communication.

KOM5217 Strategies of Communication – 3 credits

This course covers the process of developing communication strategies with an emphasis on problem definition; behavioral specification of objectives; situation analysis; strategy formulation; audience analysis and justification through application of communication theories and research results, and evaluation.

KOM5319 Communication and Decision Making – 3 credits

This course covers the role of information in decision making; rationality in decision making; the decision making process and strategies; information seeking and decision making at the individual, family, community, organizational and national level.

KOM5323 Principles of Advertising – 3 credits

This course covers the foundation of advertising by discussing topics such as advertising and society, the process of marketing and the scope of advertising; the different types of research in advertising and the strategic planning in advertising; analyze the different channels of communication through which advertising messages are conveyed and develop the media planning strategy.

KOM5327 Crisis Communication – 3 credits

This course covers concepts of crisis, crisis management, and crisis communication; crisis management approaches and crisis communication theory; Steps in crisis prevention, preparation, recognition, containment and recovery; Planning crisis communications plan for managing organizational crisis.

KOM5331 Brand Communication – 3 credits

This course focuses on how brands and branding have increasingly become a focus of any organization in their corporate communications and marketing activities. Theoretical insights will be used to critically evaluate current brand campaigns, and to discuss the role of corporate and marketing communications in making such campaigns successful.

KOM5419 Presentation Media – 3 credits

This course focuses on theories and practices of media preparation for presentations and the techniques of managing media units.

KOM5711 Special Topics in Corporate Communication – 1 credit

This course covers methods of identifying, evaluating and suggesting strategies for improvement regarding a particular problem or issue in communication. The students will formulate a systematic inquiry and learning strategy on their own initiative

FBK5600 Master Research Project Seminar – 1 credit

This course covers the basic principles, essential elements and sequential steps required in community health program management. Decision making models, quality management functions and strategies in planning, implementation etc

FBK5989 Research Project – 6 credits

Source: UPM

About Master of Corporate Communication

Briefly about Master of Corporate Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, University Putra Malaysia (UPM).

The programme aims to equip candidates with knowledge of theories and applications relevant to the field of corporate communication. In this programme, candidates are exposed to latest developments in the communication industry.

Through a series of lectures and practical assignments, the programme aims to contribute to a higher level of professionalism among future and current practitioners of corporate communication and professionals in the media industry. Special focus is given to various aspects of corporate communication, such as planning, preparing, organising and utilising corporate communication in the operation of an organisation.

List of Courses: Compulsory Courses (21 credits)

  • KOM5111 Communication Theory – 3 credits
  • KOM5113 Communication Research Methods – 3 credits
  • KOM5115 Statistics for Communication Research – 3 credits
  • KOM5315 Organizational Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5317 Theory and Practice of Corporate Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5321 Advanced Public Relations – 3 credits
  • KOM5325 Integrated Marketing Communication – 3 credits

List of Courses: Elective Courses (19 credits)

  • KOM5117 Data Analysis and Interpretation – 3 credits
  • KOM5210 Public Speaking for Professionals – 3 credits
  • KOM5211 Interpersonal Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5213 Psychology of Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5215 Intercultural Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5217 Strategies of Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5319 Communication and Decision Making – 3 credits
  • KOM5323 Principles of Advertising – 3 credits
  • KOM5327 Crisis Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5331 Brand Communication – 3 credits
  • KOM5419 Presentation Media – 3 credits
  • KOM5711 Special Topics in Corporate Communication – 1 credit
  • FBK5600 Master Research Project Seminar – 1 credit
  • FBK5989 Research Project – 6 credits

Source: UPM

Permohonan Sarjana Komunikasi Korporat di UPM telah Lulus

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Akhirnya permohonan untuk melanjutkan pengajian peringkat Sarjana Komunikasi Korporat di Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) telah diluluskan oleh pihak Universiti. Sujud syukur banyak-banyak kepada tuhan yang maha esa.

Memang betul kata staff Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa UPM tempoh hari. Katanya mesyuarat permohonan peringkat Sarjana akan diadakan dalan tempoh 2 minggu lagi. Yeah, minggu ini genap 2 minggu dan aku pun dapat hasilnya. Permohonan DILULUSKAN.

Aku sendiri tidak menjangkakan secepat ini keputusan yang akan diterima. Apapun syukur sebab penantian diakhiri dengan berita gembira. Next move adalah kumpul duit dan berjimat untuk membiayai pengajian aku ini nanti.

Apapun, tak sangka secepat 11 Feb aku akan masuk kuliah. Ingatkan bulan Mac baru start. Rupanya lebih awal daripada apa yang dijangka.

Aku tak pasti apa reaksi rakan-rakan sekuliah yang sama-sama ambil Diploma Sains Kuantitatif dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Matematik di FTMSK UiTM dahulu. Totally aku keluar dari bidang yang aku belajar dahulu. Dunia nombor kepada dunia komunikasi/perhubungan awam. Mohon sangat-sangat agar segalanya berjalan dengan lancar. Insyaallah.

Permohonan Sedang Dalam Proses

Alhamdulillah, permohonan Sarjana Komunikasi Korporat UPM sudah bertukar status kepada ‘in process’. Berdebar hati ini. Entahkan lulus entahkan tidak.

Pagi tadi aku buat panggilan telefon ke Fakulti yang incharge program sarjana yang aku mohon ini. Katanya mesyuarat kelulusan dijadualkan berlangsung dalam tempoh 2 minggu lagi. Tengok gaya bahasa, kalau aku mohon lebih awal lagi, besar kemungkinan sudah boleh tahu keputusan lulus atau tidak. Entah…

Aku pun bertanya, boleh ke aku mohon program lain pada waktu yang sama. Boleh katanya. Kalau lulus kedua-duanya, akhirnya aku boleh pilih memana program yang digemari.

Hajat dihati sebagai backup, aku pun nak mohon Master of Human Resources Development dibawah Fakulti Pendidikan. Ini adalah pilihan kedua aku. Kalau otak gila lagi, mahu je mohon Sarjana Ekonomi hahahaha. Tapi kosnya mahal. Hampir RM20K untuk tamat keseluruhan. Kau kaya ke masalahnya? haha

Tengah curi-curi masa buat permohonan lain di UKM dan UUM juga. Saja isi masa senggang non ado. Backup plan.

Tapi, seriously aku memang tengah sibuk urus kerja hakiki. Agak stres sebenarnya buat design dan content creator nie. Benda tak ada kau kena adakan. Mana tak pening. Harap dalam masa 10 hari ini aku akan siap. Wajib selesai sebelum bulan November menjelang.

Mohon Sambung Belajar Sarjana di UPM

Dimulakan dengan Bismillah, harapnya akan diakhiri dengan ucapan Alhamdulillah juga ahaks. Semalam, aku selesai buat permohonan untuk melanjutkan pengajian peringkat Sarjana (Komunikasi Korporat) di Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

Berdebar juga rasa dihati. Entahkan lulus entahkan gagal haha. Tak mahu push sangat sebab kalau ada rezeki, jalan terus. Kalau tak ada rezeki, pastinya memang rezeki aku ditempat lain pula. Pengsan.

Kenapa Komunikasi Korporat? Sebab sejak tahun 2009 hingga sekarang, kerja aku dok di bidang komunikasi korporat sahaja. Pengalaman pun pusing-pusing disini juga. Dari Unit Komunikasi Korporat MOA sehingga ke Pejabat Menteri dibawah seliaan Setiausaha Akhbar sehinggalah sekarang ini di Jabatan Korporat dan Pemasaran.

Aku pun terkapai-kapai nak sambung jurusan Matematik. Lagaknya macam tahu. Tapi, benak hati risau tak berkesempatan nak menghafal formula. Kau ingat senang ke. Pengsan.

Asalnya nak mohon di UKM je. Tapi, selepas telefon mereka. Sedih dan sentap sebab walaupun separuh masa, tetap tidak sesuai untuk aku. Class dijalankan pada hari biasa waktu pejabat katanya. Jadi, UPM sahajalah pilihan yang ada. Nak UiTM pula terasa amat jauh noooon di Shah Alam. Tak sanggup travel jauh semata-mata. Apapun, aku akan cuba habiskan duit RM50 untuk mohon juga haha.

Haiii, mana nak cekau duit sekitar RM12K hingga RM15K disepanjang pengajian di UPM kelak (kalau lulus). Gigih berjimat cermat sekarang. Kalau tak, terpaksa buat pinjaman pendidikan. Nak keluarkan duit KWSP pula sudah tiada. Sebab dah buat untuk pinjaman perumahan hahaha. Its okay dude. slow slow. You can do it!

Risau juga sebenarnya dengan kadar kefasihan bahasa inggeris aku. Yelah, sudah lama meninggalkan dunia swasta. Dahulu, time kerja di Celcom memang mother tongue aku English haha. La ni keje di sektor kerajaan, Bahasa Malaysia sahaja yang dituturkan.

Aku ada semak silibus pelajaran untuk komunikasi korporat. Memang dijalankan dalam bahasa inggeris. Paling seram adalah silibus Public Speaking. Pengsan peluh tak henti keluar macam tu.

In term of presentation pula, aku kena recall balik lah bertih-bertih jagung untuk melancarkan lagi kefasihan bercakap. Belajar grammar juga penting. Yelah, nak buat assignment bagai juga.

Apapun, ini semua kalau dapat Komunikasi Korporat. Sebagai backup, aku plan nak sambung Master in human resources development. Ini aku akan mohon untuk pengambilan September 2019.